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Direct - Indirect

प्रश्न 11   Select the correct sentence in “Direct” speech from the given option, for the sentence below:
An old mouse asked who would bell the cat.

 (अ) An old mouse said, “Who will bell the cat?”
 (ब) An old mouse said,“Who can bell the cat?”
 (स) An old mouse said,“Who would have bell the cat?”
 (द) An old mouse said,“Who will have bell the cat?”

उत्तर : An old mouse said, “Who will bell the cat?”

प्रश्न 12   Choose the correct indirect speech of the following sentence from the given options -
He said,“ They are in the class.”

 (अ) He said that they were in the class.
 (ब) He says that they are in the class.
 (स) He said that they had been in class.
 (द) He says that they are in the class.

उत्तर : He said that they were in the class.

प्रश्न 13   Choose the correct option Changing the following sentence into assertive :
How childish your talks are!

 (अ) Your talks are childish.
 (ब) Your talks should be childish.
 (स) Your talks are not childish.
 (द) Your talks are very childish.

उत्तर : Your talks are very childish.

प्रश्न 14   Choose the correct transformation from assertive to interrogative :
We should not waste time in this fruitless occupation.

 (अ) What should we do of this fruitless occupation ?
 (ब) Why will we waste time in this fruitless occupation ?
 (स) Why should we waste time in this fruitless occupation ?
 (द) Why would we waste time in this fruitless occupation ?

उत्तर : Why should we waste time in this fruitless occupation ?

प्रश्न 15   Choose the correct transformation from assertive to interrogative :
Man cannot die better than facing fearful odds.

 (अ) How can man die better than facing fearful odds ?
 (ब) How will man die better than facing fearful odds ?
 (स) Should man die than facing odds ?
 (द) Will man die better than facing odds ?

उत्तर : How can man die better than facing fearful odds ?

प्रश्न 16   Choose the correct option changing the following sentence into assertive :
What a delicious food !

 (अ) It was a very delicious food.
 (ब) It was delicious food.
 (स) Was it a very delicious food ?
 (द) It was not a very delicious food.

उत्तर : It was a very delicious food.

प्रश्न 17   Choose the correct exclamatory form of the following sentence from the given option :
He is a great doctor.

 (अ) What a great doctor is he !
 (ब) A great doctor is he !
 (स) What a great doctor he is !
 (द) Isn't he a great doctor !

उत्तर : What a great doctor he is !

प्रश्न 18   Choose the correct transformation from exclamatory to assertive :
What a wonderful creature an elephant is !

 (अ) Elephant is the creature of wonder.
 (ब) Of all creatures elephant is wonderful.
 (स) The elephant is wonderful.
 (द) An elephant is a very wonderful creature.

उत्तर : An elephant is a very wonderful creature.

प्रश्न 19   Choose the correct option from Assertive to Exclamatory transformation for the sentence given :
I wish I had wings of a dove.

 (अ) O that I had wings of a dove !
 (ब) I am desirous of having wings of a dove !
 (स) What if I had wings of a dove !
 (द) How can one have wings of a dove !

उत्तर : O that I had wings of a dove !

प्रश्न 20   Choose the correct option for the underlined part of the sentence:
Let he and I do the work today.

 (अ) he and me
 (ब) him and me
 (स) him and myself
 (द) No correct

उत्तर : him and me

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