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Chose the correct one to fill in the blank in the sentence given below :

प्रश्न 1   There ...... four hundred people in the hall now.
IIIrd Grade 2013
 (अ) is
 (ब) are
 (स) were
 (द) was

उत्तर : are

प्रश्न 2   The stars ..... at night.
IIIrd Grade 2013
 (अ) shines
 (ब) shine
 (स) is shining
 (द) are shine

उत्तर : shine

प्रश्न 3   Drive cautiously. The children ....... on the road.
IIIrd Grade 2013
 (अ) is playing
 (ब) will play
 (स) played
 (द) are playing

उत्तर : are playing

प्रश्न 4   Hundreds of books every year but only a few of them are of use to students.
IInd Grade 2008
 (अ) are written
 (ब) have written
 (स) were written
 (द) had written

उत्तर : are written

प्रश्न 5   Mica ___ in Rajasthan.
IInd Grade 2008
 (अ) found
 (ब) is founded
 (स) is found
 (द) founded

उत्तर : is found

प्रश्न 6   Much _____ since they were here last.
IInd Grade Teacher, 2013
 (अ) has happened
 (ब) was happened
 (स) have happening
 (द) would happen

उत्तर : has happened

प्रश्न 7   No sonner did the train _______ at the platform than the passengers rushed towards it.
IInd Grade Teacher, 2013
 (अ) arrive
 (ब) arrived
 (स) will arrive
 (द) had arrived

उत्तर : arrive

प्रश्न 8   Choose the most appropriate option to fill in the blank in the given sentence.
You’re out of breath. _____ ?

Supervisor(Women)(Anganwadi Worker) - 2024
 (अ) Are you running
 (ब) Have you run
 (स) Have you been running
 (द) You had been running

उत्तर : Have you been running

प्रश्न 9   Fill in the blank in the given sentence by choosing the most appropriate word from the options given below :
The secret of her fitness is that she ____ up before sunrise for an hour’s speed walk.

Supervisor(Women)(Anganwadi Worker) - 2024
 (अ) got
 (ब) will get
 (स) gets
 (द) getting

उत्तर : gets

प्रश्न 10   Ram came to me and said that he ____ buy a piano.
 (अ) will
 (ब) would
 (स) will be
 (द) would be

उत्तर : would

page no.(1/12)


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