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प्रश्न 1   Choose the sentence in which the subject and verb agree.
Supervisor(Women)(Anganwari Quota) Exam 2018
 (अ) Each one of the shirts has a green collar.
 (ब) Every one of the shirts have a green collar.
 (स) Each of the shirts have a green collar.
 (द) Each of the shirts have had a green collar.

उत्तर : Each one of the shirts has a green collar.

प्रश्न 2   Choose the correct sentence in which the subject and the verb agree :
Supervisor(Women)(Anganwari Quota) Exam 2018
 (अ) The state of his affairs were such as to cause anxiety to his creditors.
 (ब) The mayor, with his councillors, is to be present.
 (स) Bread and butter were his only food.
 (द) The house, with its contents, were insured.

उत्तर : The mayor, with his councillors, is to be present.

प्रश्न 3   Choose the correct answer from the following options determining whether subject agrees in number with the verb :
Supervisor (women empowerment) Exam 2018
 (अ) Just around the corner is a fantastic bakery and a small supermarket.
 (ब) After all the gardening we did, the sun shining on the flowerbeds make a beautiful sight.
 (स) Jack, along with some of his closest friends, is sharing a car to attend a wedding.
 (द) There is, according to my doctor, many courses of treatment available to me.

उत्तर : Jack, along with some of his closest friends, is sharing a car to attend a wedding.

प्रश्न 4   Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb :
I can’t remember ____ the letter, its still in my pocket.

Junior Legal Officer - 2023 (Paper-4) (GEN. HINDI & GEN. ENGLISH)
 (अ) not post
 (ब) have posted
 (स) to posting
 (द) posting

उत्तर : posting

प्रश्न 5   Fill in the blank with one of the correct options from the options given below.
It’s time they ___ working on the project.

CET 2022 (12th Level) 04 February 2023 Shift-1
 (अ) would start
 (ब) started
 (स) start
 (द) will

उत्तर : started

प्रश्न 6   Choose the correct option to fill in the blank space:
She is proud that she -------- (achieve) stardome.

High Court LDC 2022 (19 March 2023)
 (अ) has achieved
 (ब) achieve
 (स) did achieve
 (द) has achieves

उत्तर : has achieved

प्रश्न 7   Fill in the blank with the correct form of verb:
The Sun ------- during the day.

High Court LDC 2022 (19 March 2023)
 (अ) shines
 (ब) will shining
 (स) shined
 (द) have been shining

उत्तर : shines

प्रश्न 8   Fill in the blank with the correct form of verb.
We ----- there for ten years.

High Court LDC 2022 (12 March 2023)
 (अ) will have been lived
 (ब) live
 (स) living
 (द) lived

उत्तर : lived

प्रश्न 9   Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb given in bracket.
Choose from the options that follow:
It’s time you _____ (go) to bed.

3rd Grade Teacher 2022 English L2
 (अ) are going
 (ब) have gone
 (स) had gone
 (द) went

उत्तर : went

प्रश्न 10   Fill in the blank with the correct option.
Not one of the lectures _____ interesting.

3rd Grade Teacher 2022 English L2
 (अ) have been
 (ब) is
 (स) are
 (द) were

उत्तर : is

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